Female Mannequin Boho 8
Abstract female mannequin in relaxed position with her left hand on hip. Mannequins Boho collection is modern and includes designs for mannequins of both sexes.

If you need any customization, as the style of base or paint, you can consult the possibilities in our customer service

Return Policy: once received at your home, you have 10 days to return it, guaranteeing you a full refund of the price of the product, with the exception of transport costs, both on and off.
Female Boho 6. Female abstract mannequin with her left hand on hip.
A safe bet thanks to the timeless design of Boho mannequins. Mannequins Boho collection is focused on satisfying the best fashion shops and shop windows.We have different male/female positions that provide a great creative freedom to tell the best stories in your shop or window display.
Mannequin made of polyester + fiberglass, supplied in white with square base included. If you need any customization, as the style of base or paint, you can consult the possibilities in our customer service. Find more about our company and the latest collections at www.sempere.com